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PATH (Capacity Building of African Young Scientists in Precision Agriculture Through Cross-Regional Academic Mobility for Enhanced Climate-Smart Agri-Food System) is an intra-africa mobility projet which aims to

  • train 12 PhD and 32 MSc African scholars in precision agriculture applied to crops (PAAC) to upgrade the continent’s capability;  
  • build capacity of 10 young African staff and 10 trainees in PAAC; and
  • improve PAAC and ICT4Ag (Information and Communication Technology for Agriculture) curricula and research at the participating African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to address more efficiently the current challenges of agriculture and climate change.

students should be either (1) proficient in agronomy/agricultural sciences (or related fields) with a willingness to learn ICT/computer sciences (or related fields) or (2) proficient in ICT with a willingness to learn agricultural sciences. Therefore, students holding degrees in agronomy/agricultural sciences (or related fields) or ICT/computer sciences (or related fields) are eligible. In addition, eligible ‘’students’’ must comply with the below criteria at the time of the application for a scholarship:

  • at the time they apply for a scholarship, candidates must be national of and resident in an African country. 
  • be registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree in a HEI  from:

b-1) one of the HEIs included in the PATH consortium (Target group 1). This target group includes students from all partner universities as follows:

University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin – University of Cape Coast, Ghana –  University of Rwanda, Rwanda – University of Eswatini, Eswatini 

 b-2) HEI not included in the PATH consortium but established in an EACEA eligible country (Target group 2). This target group includes students registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree from another HEI other than University of Abomey-Calavi, University of Cape Coast, University of Rwanda, University of Eswatini, but established in Africa.


  • have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses in the host countries. 

The consortium involves Francophone and Anglophone countries and will promote bilingual aptitude in students throughout the implementation of the project. Language courses will be offered to help students improve their skills. 

In each HEI involved in the consortium, two main faculties/departments will be involved in the students training: the faculty/department of agricultural sciences and the faculty/department of ICT (Computer Science). 

Students having benefited from scholarship(s) under the previous intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme are eligible to receive scholarship under this current call.

For the choice of the host university, the students are allowed to apply only for the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), University of Cape Coast (Ghana), University of Rwanda (Rwanda) and, University of Eswatini (Eswatini).

  • For PhD students, the maximum duration of a scholarship is 36 months for degree seeking mobility

For MSc students, the maximum duration of a scholarship is 12 months for credit seeking mobility

The scholarship includes subsistence allowances (including the return ticket of the students during his mobility, settling-in allowances), participation costs, contribution to research costs and insurance in line with EACEA procedures. 

  • PhD students will receive a monthly stipend of 1230 Euros. This also includes (1) travels cost to and from the host institution and (2) settling allowance.
  • MSc students will receive a monthly stipend of 890 Euros. This also includes (1) travels cost to and from the host institution and (2) settling allowance.

Research costs, tuitions fees, costs related to training, participation to conferences and insurance costs are covered by the host institution following EACEA guidelines. Note that participation to conferences and special trainings has to be approved by the supervision team in the host institution.

Yes, if you are national of and resident in an African count at the application time. You are then in the target group 2 (HEI not included in the PATH consortium but established in an EACEA eligible country). This target group includes students registered/admitted in or having obtained a degree from another HEI other than University of Abomey-Calavi, University of Cape Coast, University of Rwanda, University of Eswatini, but established in Africa.

Applications should be submitted online to: Please put on Cc to your submission Email:  Prof Kwame Agyei: and Dr Dompreh Kwadwo: While submitting your application put in the subject line: PATH_YOUR SURNAME_MSC OR PHD depending on whether you are applying for a credit seeking MSc or degree seeking PhD. 

The Scholarship application form (here) together with other required documents should be sent as a unique PDF attachment to emails indicated below. Other required documents include: 

  1. Cover letter
  2. Student research proposal or detailed research concept note (for PhD and MSc)
  3. National ID or Copy of Passport Data page  
  4. Certificate of previous degree(s) /or a Proof that the degree(s) has been completed 
  5. All Transcripts/academic records (Please note that all selected candidates will receive final admission after they have provided suitable transcripts) 
  6. Proof of enrolment or eligibility for enrolment for MSc degree (that is research component of MSc) from home institution (for MSc applicants)
  7. A support letter from home HEIs (from an authority of the University, Vice chancellor or Dean or Vice Dean or Head of Department/School)
  8. Two recommendation letters 
  9. Curriculum Vitae. 
  10. Certificate of English or French language skills if any
  11. Proof of socio-economic vulnerability (if relevant) attested by an authority of the home HEI. The letter should be on the HEI letterhead with Email and contact of the signatory person.
  12. Any other supporting documents

It is obligatory that the students have their first year MSc recognition and academic transcripts or a proof that he/she has completed the course work of the MSc. If not completed at the time of the application, applicants, if pre-selected, have to provide suitable transcripts before being admitted into the programme.

No, In each HEI involved in the consortium, two main faculties/departments will be involved in the students training: the faculty/department of agricultural sciences and the faculty/department of ICT (Computer Science).

Students having benefited from scholarship(s) under the previous intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme are eligible to receive scholarship under this current call.

It is obligatory that the students have their first year MSc recognition and academic transcripts or a proof that he/she has completed the course work of the MSc. If not completed at the time of the application, applicants, if pre-selected, have to provide suitable transcripts before being admitted into the programme.

No but recommendation letters are necessary for application

For more information you can contact the following local coordinators

Contact of the local coordinators

For more information you can contact the following local coordinators

CountriesUniversitiesContact Person
Republic of BeninUniversity of Abomey-CalaviProf. Enoch Achigan-Dako 

Dr Nicodème Fassinou Hotegni 
GhanaUniversity of Cape CoastProf. Kwame Agyei Frimpong
EswatiniUniversity of EswatiniProf. Absalom Manyatsi
RwandaUniversity of RwandaProf. Antoine Karangwa
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